Use "jeopardize|jeopardized|jeopardizes|jeopardizing" in a sentence

1. You jeopardized everything!

2. Mulder, you are jeopardizing my stakeout.

3. The dispute could jeopardize the negotiations.

4. Their presence even jeopardized the life of Jesus!

5. We jeopardized our operation to save your ass!

6. Prevalence of individualism will jeopardize collective interests.

7. The pet trade also jeopardizes Bonobo survival in the wild.

8. This judgment may jeopardize his job.

9. It could jeopardize all other business.

10. Soldiers jeopardize their lives in war.

11. You knowingly Jeopardized your life And the lives of others.

12. His foolish behaviour may jeopardize his whole future.

13. Would such legislation jeopardize chances for a treaty?

14. I can't jeopardize the safety of this ship.

15. A scandal like this might jeopardize his political career.

16. Businesses have failed, jobs have been lost, and investments have been jeopardized.

17. Three women refused to testify, fearing it would jeopardize their careers.

18. He would never do anything to jeopardize his career.

19. To burn your bridges will jeopardize your future career.

20. You don't have to jeopardize your standing in the staffroom.

21. The unprecedented increase in oil and food prices risks jeopardizing our developmental gains.

22. And now you're jeopardizing all of that for something as petty as closure.

23. The security of the whole operation has been jeopardized by one careless person.

24. But usually its enforcement does not jeopardize the business community.

25. 7 Crisis jeopardizes national politics and economy in the matter of its outburst, graveness, influence and aftereffect.

26. Both Mi-ryung and Soon-shin's careers are jeopardized after the news goes public.

27. The country's economic future is seriously jeopardized by the mass emigration of young people.

28. The stability of such a transcript may be jeopardized(, hence its faster subsequent degradation.

29. He's not gonna steal his best friend's pad, jeopardize his career.

30. Such activities undermined the objectives of the Treaty and jeopardized its integrity and credibility.

31. Synonyms for Adventuring include venturing, braving, risking, daring, imperilling, imperiling, jeopardising, jeopardizing, endangering and gambling

32. Jack adamantly refuses, explaining that CTU involvement could jeopardize his family's safety.

33. And I can't jeopardize that arrangement over a personal vendetta with Hood.

34. Too adventuresome a policy would jeopardize China’s gains at home and abroad.

35. Recognize that by being a technoholic you can jeopardize your home life.

36. In response, the Administrator reassured the Executive Board that regionalization efforts by UNDP were not jeopardizing centralized management

37. She knew that by failing her exams she could jeopardize her whole future.

38. The United States doesn't want to jeopardize its aluminum interests controlled by the Surinamese government.

39. However, excessive inflation of Fictitious Capital leads to run wild of Foam Economy, which jeopardizes normal economic motion seriously.

40. Why, they may even jeopardize their job and their relationship with their mate!

41. 23 Jack adamantly refuses, explaining that CTU involvement could jeopardize his family's safety.

42. This, they added, could jeopardize other large benefit programs such as Medicare and Medicaid.

43. EU imports of Mexican avocados are increasing at an alarming rate, thus jeopardizing the development of Community production.

44. Glen Clark has asked me to fish aggressively and jeopardize conservation of the stocks

45. If you are rude to the boss it may jeopardize your chances of success.

46. If not, safe navigation can become jeopardized. Potential accidents involving ships might cause even more environmental damage.

47. In 19 political power, far from being a ticket to polygamy, was jeopardized by any suggestion of infidelity.

48. Acting as a conduit Contravenes the Income Tax Act, and could jeopardize a charity's registration

49. Many feared that the continuing insecurity would jeopardize the chances of elections being held successfully.

50. (Ephesians 5:28, 29) An abusive, domineering, or unreasonable man not only jeopardizes the tranquillity of his home but undermines his relationship with God.

51. It pulls at the heartstrings of every agent out there to see a young lady or anyone jeopardized by these conditions.

52. If positive attitudes about religion seem to encourage health, negative attitudes might jeopardize it, he reasons.

53. Such action might jeopardize the international balance and have negative consequences for nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.

54. Moreover, the large volume of purchases would bring commercialism into this old religious ceremony, jeopardizing its spiritual significance and even its mere existence.

55. Anyone who denies the prelapsarian covenant of works jeopardizes the Biblical and Protestant doctrine of justification by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.

56. Number Two has done well, unlike Count Lippe w hose choice of Angelo might have jeopardized the success of our project.

57. We jeopardize the prospects for developing countries if access is not provided beyond its current geographic concentration.

58. But enough influential parishioners were angry to fluster the Parish Council and jeopardize the existence of the groups.

59. They became casual in their worship and devotion to God, their hearts became hardened, and they thereby jeopardized their eternal salvation.

60. If I went out and accepted a job at a lot less money, I'd jeopardize a good career.

61. External economic shocks that impact adversely on a particular region can jeopardize its economic development for many years.

62. Yet, a ‘run’ on the gold would have bankrupted the United States and in turn jeopardized all the nations of the Fund.

63. THERE IS little evidence that China wishes to jeopardize its burgeoning affluence by adventurist attempts to contest American hegemony.

64. ‘Browbeating’ A copy of the petition, seen by Reuters, said Whatsapp was jeopardizing national security by sharing, transmitting and storing user data in another country with the information

65. A too abrupt turning off of the 'EU tap' could jeopardize the very successful performance of the Irish economy.

66. The billion-dollar question was whether a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize New York's position as a financial centre.

67. To act otherwise would jeopardize the government’s ability to borrow further on financial markets or to roll over existing debt.

68. However, it also had to act in a way that would not jeopardize its chance of winning the next election.

69. A simple Cannibalized parts swap bypasses the original coupling of components and characterization testing and may very well jeopardize system integrity

70. The Trenchard family ascends to London's aristocratic society, Belgravia. However, secrets from the past threaten to emerge and jeopardize the family.

71. 'Cricketing' is the text habit breaking up relationships There’s a texting habit that’s kinda rude and it’s actually jeopardizing your relationships… its called Cricketing and you've probably been

72. THE HIVE WILL LEVINGTON COMFORT The remaining reels in the film will be devoted to Teddy chasing you with a 5·9 howitzer for jeopardizing his Connubial happiness.

73. A collision between a spacecraft and such debris could result in death for the astronauts or could otherwise jeopardize space missions.

74. He does not want to jeopardize his opportunity to gain everlasting life for what, by comparison, could hardly be called a lengthening of his life.


76. These were all low-level; they only affected estimates at the class and module level and didn't jeopardize any entire thread or subsystem.

77. Gally claims Thomas has jeopardized the fragile peace between the youths and the Grievers and wants him punished, but Newt, the group's second-in-command, instead designates Thomas as a Runner.

78. We do not wish to see debate and controversy surrounding Council reform marginalize or even jeopardize consultations on other issues, particularly those concerning development.

79. It is too painful to believe that humanity would destroy millions of other species – and jeopardize our own future – in a fit of absent-mindedness.

80. She went on to assail Palin for supporting Arctic oil exploration that could jeopardize delicate animal habitats and for dismissing measures to protect polar bears.